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We Go Together...

Putting on a show is not just about performing, not everyone wants to be the next Michael Ball or Adelle Dazeem.  There are multiple ways you can be a part of the buzz that is live theatre.


Below, we've provided pen portraits of the roles that you can take up with RMTC.  Please note that RMTC is a charitable, community organisation and all (minus our Musical Director) roles are voluntary. 


ROLE: Performer

Probably what you would imagine this to be.  Someone that acts sings and dances on stage.  We are always open to new performers and would especially like to hear from men interested in giving stage work a go.

COMMITMENT: High - this will take a lot of your time


ROLE: Set Crew

Some of the unsung heroes of the theatre world but the show wouldn't happen without them.  These are the people that build the stage set, add paint effects and create custom props for the productions.  So, if you are handy with tools or paintbrushes, this could be the role for you!

COMMITMENT: Medium - this takes a bit of commitment (usually on Saturdays) in the run-up to the show


ROLE: Stage Crew

Whilst we're all swanning around on stage being a tree or a with or whatever there is a hidden army of people making sure that we are swanning around in front of the right piece of the set. Our stage crew perform a whole ballet on their own moving set on and off the stage to keep the show running smoothly.  Please note that for this role you need to be able to move at speed, be able to work in the dark and follow instructions clearly and consistently.

COMMITMENT: Low - this is a concentrated commitment of the week of the production


ROLE: Prompter

OK, we admit it, we're not perfect.  Sometimes we just go blank and forget our lines.  This is where you could come in.  The prompter is someone that follows the script (not watches the show, sorry) making sure all the lines are in the right place and clearly saying the line when the performer asks.

COMMITMENT: Medium - you are definitely needed for the week of the show, but attendance at rehearsals would benefit you and the performers.  This is only usually 6 weeks before the show.


ROLE: Fundraising

To keep our shows high quality and at affordable ticket prices, we do a lot of fundraising.  You can be part of our fundraising team organising events, and promotions and gathering information/adverts for our programme.  If you are good with people and like giving people magical, memorable experiences, this could be for you.

COMMITMENT: Medium - consistently through the year, but you do as much as you can.

If you are interested in any of the roles and want to talk more, use our contact form via the button.

proudly affiliated to NODA

Rainhill Musical Theatre Company is a registered charity in England and Wales - No. 702693

©2022 by Rainhill Musical Theatre Company

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